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tv   CBS News Sunday Morning  CBS  July 10, 2011 9:00am-10:30am EDT

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captioning made possible by johnson & johnson, where quality products for the american family have been a tradition for generations >> osgood: good morning. i'm charles osgood and this is sunday morning. as many of you have most likely found out by now, former first lady betty ford died friday in california at the age of 93. more than 34 years have passed since she and her late husband president gerald ford left the white house. even so she still occupies a special place in the hearts of millions of american men and especially women. this morning our john
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blackstone will look back. >> reporter: she was an outspoken first lady who was remarkable for her openness. >> i told my husband if we have to go to the white house, okay, i will go. but i'm going as myself and it's too late to change my pattern. >> reporter: but betty ford also kept a secret. her addiction to pain killers and alcohol. when she was cured, however, she made it her mission to help others do the same. >> they have to know that there is help available. there's not only help but there's hope for them. >> reporter: an appreciation of the life and words of betty ford later on sunday morning. >> osgood: many a space travel buff is over the moon now that the shuttle atlantis is back up in space but on its final mission. strangely enough, the moon figured prominently in the real-life crime story our mo rocca will be telling.
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>> reporter: what would compel an overachieving, aspiring astronaut to throw it all away by stealing from the very institution he revered? still trying to understand why you would do something so reckless. >> me too. when you figure it out, let me know. >> reporter: later on sunday morning, an "out of this world" crime. >> osgood: tom jones is a down to earth performer who has never forgotten where he came from. with mark phillips this morning we'll be paying him a visit. >> in all his glory, right? >> yep. >> reporter: you can take tom jones to his hometown in wales but apparently you can't take the hometown out of tom jones. you put your hands wherever you want to put them. >> the sunday school teacher, the first thing he said was take your hands out of your pocket. >> reporter: the hold hometown may look the same but tom jones is very different. ♪ what good am i? >> reporter: tom jones at 71.
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musically asking what good am i? later on sunday morning. >> osgood: to the point is a story from bill geist all about a skilled performer who is forever sharpening his skills. >> this is my waterfront chapel. >> reporter: mild mannered minister of sub urban long island has another identity. the great throw-dini, the master of the impalement art. even if i'm not still around i hope you'll enjoy it later on sunday morning. >> osgood: martha teichner treats us to a concert by the vegetable orchestra. nancy giles tries on some high- tech walking shoes and tracy makes us up to date on the royals in california but more but first the headlines for this sunday morning the 10th of july, 2011. negotiations in washington over the debt ceiling have reached it seems another stalemate. last night house speaker john
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boehner said republicans no longer hope to negotiate a long-term deficit reduction plan. he blames democrats for insisting on higher taxes. talks aimed at short-term budget deals resume today. north eastern japan was again hit by an earthquake this morning. the 7.0 tremor was followed by a tsunami. fortunately produced peak waves of only four inches. no reports of injuries or damage. sunday's new york times is reporting that the united states could suspend hundreds of millions of dollars in aid to pakistan. unless that nations pursues militant groups more aggressively. on his first visit to afghanistan as secretary of defense leon panetta said yesterday that the defeat of al qaeda is within reach. panetta says eliminating as few as ten of the terrorists' top figures could cripple its ability to strike. citizens of the world's newest nation, the republic of south sudan celebrated their independence yesterday. the u.s. delegation to the festivities included former
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secretary of state colin powell who helped broker the end of sudan's civil war in 2005. the search for seven missing americans goes on this morning off the coast of baja california. they were on a boat that capsized last week in the sea of cortez. the mexican navy says the men may be on one of the area's barrier islands. in sports, the wait is over. more than 50,000 fans in new york's yankee stadium enjoyed an "i was there" moment yesterday when derek jeter stroked his,000th career hit. >> announcer: deep to left field. >> osgood: a home run over the left field wall. jeter is the 28th player in major league baseball history to reach the 3,000 hit mark and the first to hit all 3,000 as a yankee. it's day 3 of spain's most famous festival the annual running of the bulls.
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the 25-year-old man was gored on friday. six other daredevils, most of them foreigners, are being treated for injuries. here's today's weather. hot in some places, very hot in others with scattered storms in between. more heat, more humidity and more storms lie ahead. it is summer, after all. >> equal rights amendment is a necessity of life. >> osgood: next, remembering
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>> osgood: betty ford was first lady like no other. breath of fresh air when the country needed it most. which is why the news of her death on friday has touched so many people. john blackstone has prepared this appreciation. >> reporter: betty ford was a woman of openness and honesty. an unexpected gift to america at a time of political turmoil. in 1974 as scandals destroyed richard nixon's administration.... >> i gerald ford do.... >> reporter: gerald ford made the unlikely leap from congressman to president. >> so help me god. >> con grat congratulations, mr. president. >> i am indebted to no man. and only to one woman. my dear wife. >> reporter: betty ford made
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her own unlikey leap from obscurity as a michigan mother and housewife to first lady. >> i told my husband, if we have to go to the white house, okay, i will go. but i'm going as myself and it's too late to change my pattern. if they don't like it, then they'll just have to throw me out. >> reporter: betty bloomer grew up in grand rapids michigan. at 20 she moved to new york city where she danced with a famed choreographer at carnegie hall. at her mother's urging she returned to grand rapids where she married an old school friend. the marriage didn't last. in 1947 she met a grand rapids lawyer gerald ford. they got married just before he was elected to congress in 1948. in a "60 minutes" interview with morley safer in 1975, she
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made it clear the white house had not changed her. >> you can ask me any question. i'm perfectly happy to answer. and give you my idea. i'm sure my husband won't mind at all. >> reporter: she was frank even if her views did not seem in keeping for the wife of a republican president. he opposed the equal rights amendment. >> the equal rights amendment is a necessity of life. >> reporter: she supported it. >> we kid about it. i often say, well, i can remember well there was a time when we couldn't even vote. >> good evening. in a landmark ruling the supreme court today legalized abortion. >> reporter: she applauded the supreme court decision on "roe v. wade." >> i feel very strongly that it was the best thing in the world when the supreme court voted to legalize abortion. in my words to bring it out of the back woods and put it in the hospitals where it
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belongs. i thought it was a great, great decision. >> reporter: she talked about things that in the 1970s were often taboo, like seeing a psychiatrist. >> i was a little beaten down. he built up my ego. >> reporter: she accepted that her 18-year-old daughter might have premarital sex. >> well, i wouldn't be surprised. she's a perfectly normal human being like all young girls. >> reporter: she even hinted at life in the white house bedroom when asked about the president admiring other women. >> when he stops looking, then i'm going to begin to worry. but right now he's still enjoys a pretty girl. he really doesn't have time for outside entertainment because i keep him busy. >> reporter: her willingness to talk about anything had already earned her credit for saving lives. weeks after moving into the white house, she was diagnosed with breast cancer and had a
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mastectomy. at a time when most did not speak about such things publicly, betty ford did. >> i'll never forget the day that i was told i would have to have a mastectomy. my reaction to the words was totally, total denial. >> reporter: she used her experience to urge other women to get examinations. >> you came out and discussed breast cancer at a.... >> reporter: though as she told lesley stahl of "60 minutes" in 1997 it did take some nerve. >> well, it was probably the first time i appeared at a state dinner and i walked down those stairs and i just knew all eyes were upon me and they were probably saying which one did they say it was. >> reporter: while her forthright words offended some, the more she talked the more popular she became. more popular even than her husband. >> late in the morning president ford conceded
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carter's victory. >> reporter: when gerald ford lost to jimmy carter in the 1976 presidential election, she delivered the concession speech when he complained of laryngitis. >> i'm going to call on the real spokesman for the family, betty. >> reporter: when they moved out of the white house gerald and betty ford retired to california. it was here that her family realized for all her openness she was keeping one terrible secret: her growing addiction to pain killers and alcohol. >> were you an enabler as they say? >> i was a bad enabler. i made all kinds of excuses, made all kinds of alibis. that's a typical spouse's reaction. >> reporter: by 1978, her addiction could no longer be ignored. her family gathered at the ford's retirement home in palm springs to push her to get treatment. >> fortunately, my family saw
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the problem, and they got professional help to come in and help them do what we refer to as an intervention. >> reporter: with that help, she overcame her addiction. once again used her own experience to give to others. >> they have to know that there is help available. there's not only help but there's hope for them. >> reporter: she helped found the betty ford treatment center. while it's become well known for celebrity rehab, most of the 90,000 who have come through here are not famous. >> i still get notes from women. they thank me from the standpoint of making it okay to go for treatment. >> reporter: her last appearance was at president ford's state funeral in 2006, saying good bye to her husband of 58 years. she will be buried beside him at his presidential museum in
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grand rapids, michigan. but betty ford's real monument will be her treatment center where she's remembered as a woman who was strong enough to admit her weakness. >> osgood: ahead, lady godiva goes to town. [ kara ] over three thousand entered, ♪ ten were named semi-finalists, ♪ five made it to times square, ♪ one rose above the rest. ♪ congratulations to courtney reid the winner of this year's folgers jingle contest. ♪ you carry them around everywhere. yes i do, because cravings are everywhere.
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would you take a craving for me, cartwright? how would i -- exactly. [ male announcer ] nicorette mini goes wherever you go, to help make quitting suck less. vo:...and so is the bacon...e mincheddar ranch tendercrisp at burger king. crispy bacon, rich cheddar cheese and creamy ranch dressing. not even the end of the world will make you put it down. get it before it's gone. and see "transformers: dark of the moon" now in theaters. [ announcer ] who could resist the call... of america's number-one puppy food brand? with dha and essential nutrients also found in mother's milk. purina puppy chow.
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>> osgood: now a page from our sunday morning almanac. july 10, 1040, 971 years ago today. a day for a famous and shameless equestrian. for that was the day, one tradition has it, that lady godiva took her bare back ride through could haveentry england. her ladyship, the story goes, had begged her nobleman husband not to impose harsh taxes on the townspeople. he agreed on the condition that she ride through the town on horseback naked. the ride was modestly portrayed in the 1955 film lady godiva with maureen o'hare in the starring role. in one version of the story, a taylor named thomas who stole a peek at the good lady and became known as peeping tom.
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whether true or not the story of lady godiva's ride has earned a place in our popular culture ♪ lady godiva >> osgood: a 1960s pop song saluted her ride. and the legacy was invoked in a seinfeld episode in which jerry complains about an exhibitionist girlfriend. >> i hit the wall yet with lady godiva. she did a full body flex on a pickle jar. >> tax payers got a peek.... >> osgood: she is also widely celebrated as the original tax protestor. witness this ride in her honor in tampa back in 1993. >> usa! >> osgood: and today she is the hair win to many members of the tea party. ♪ let freedom ring >> osgood: lady godiva chose
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her course when she opted to ride upon her horse. a dreadful tax the town was spared when she rode with her assets bared. still whether she rode or took a hike, one has to ask, was that lady like? >> it really.... >> very soft. >> osgood: coming up, the shape of things to come. [ female announcer ] nutri-grain -- one good decision... ♪ ...can lead to another. ♪ ♪ with real fruit, more of the whole grains your body needs, and a good source of fiber. nutri-grain can help you eat better all day. a living, breathing intelligence that's helping drive the future of business. in here, inventory can be taught to learn. ♪ machines have a voice.
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♪ medical history follows you. it's the at&t network -- a network of possibilities... committed to delivering the most advanced mobile broadband experience to help move business... forward. ♪ i didn't understand it. i found out that connected to our muscles are nerves that send messages through the body. my doctor diagnosed it as fibromyalgia -- thought to be the result of overactive nerves that cause chronic, widespread pain. lyrica is believed to calm these nerves. i learned lyrica can provide significant relief from fibromyalgia pain. and less pain means, i can feel better and do more of what matters. [ female announcer ] lyrica is not for everyone. lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior, or any swelling or affected breathing or skin, or changes in eyesight, including blurry vision,
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or muscle pain with fever or tired feeling. common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs and feet. don't drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don't drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. i found answers about fibromyalgia. then i found lyrica. ask your doctor about lyrica today. >> osgood: with all the fancy foot wear that's now available, lacing up to take a walk is no longer a simple matter. just ask nancy giles. ♪ workout > you may think i'm simply taking a leisurely with my dog george but think again. from from the balanced bod systems in my sneakers to the
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resistance bands built into my workout pants and top i'm getting a full work just just by talking. or so the commercials have told me. >> tone up fitness are designed to help tone, burn more calories. >> reporter: it's a story we've heard before. just put on the gear and according to tone-ups, make your bottom half your better half. hey, it's a dream come true, right? well fantasy aside, does it work? this is an mbt or barefoot technology sneaker. named after the african tribe known for walking long distances barefoot and having perfect posture. >> mbt isn't your normal kind of shoe. >> reporter: you don't just put mbts on. they come with instructions. >> land on the middle of the sensor. >> reporter: at an average of $200 a pair... you know, it looks like it will be hard... i wanted to get the most out
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of my investment so i went to mbts u.s. headquarters in portsmouth new hampshire. >> we believe a healthy body is an active body. >> reporter: you would think the last thing you would want in a shoe is instability, right? >> this is the sensor. >> reporter: but sam spears thinks differently. he's vice president for product and marketing at mbt. the swiss company that pioneered the design of the rocker bottom shoe. instability is a good thing? >> it's a totally wonderful thing. without instability we'd be static. by having instability your body is always working and your muscle groups are working to find its natural stability. >> reporter: the goal is to replicate the feel of walking barefoot on sand. >> one of the things that you need to do is is make sure it's a snug but not too snug fit. >> reporter: that was too loose. >> quite a bit too loose. >> reporter: that's very nice of you to lace my shoes for me. what am i going to do when you're not around, sam. then sam gave me a crash course in walking.
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does this mean i've been walking wrong all these years. >> i wouldn't say wrong but not the most optimal. you've probably been wronging with a ten-degree angle forward. >> reporter: with my butt sticking out like you just did. i beg your pardon. >> ten degrees. >> reporter: all righty. mbts came first. but now they aren't the only game in town. all the big sneaker companies from puma to reeboks, to sketchers have developed their own line of butt-toning shoes. >> nice shoes. >> reporter: sales of toning shoes have gone up from 145 million in 2009 to a whooping 736 million in 2010. >> increased calorie burn and improved metabolism. >> reporter: each brand has done some kind of scientific research to would have been its shoes are effective. but we talked to the chief science officer for the american council on exercise to get his take.
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>> none of the major muscles of the lower extremity showed major differences in activity nor did we see any differences in terms of the caloric output. >> reporter: he says the sad truth here is there's no shortcut to getting in shape. so you're absolutely sure that toning shoes are not going to replace me going to a gym. totally sure? >> you know, i would love to tell you otherwise. but based upon our research study as well as the other available evidence, that wouldn't be fair of me to say that. >> reporter: in the end, it comes down to the combination of exercise and diet, right? >> it's not the most glamorous message but it's the true message. >> reporter: with a pair of cutting edge shoes or a purple shirt with muscle-toning bands makes you feel good, increases your motivation factor and gets you off the couch, then maybe that's a good thing.
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♪ work, baby, workout >> osgood: next, a symphony for veggies.
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>> osgood: we all know vegetables play a leading role in a healthy diet, but could they also play a role on the concert stage? what do they sound like? martha teichner seems to have the answer. >> reporter: if you saw somebody in the market pounding the pumpkins, what would you think? or thawing the dried beans? >> like a gong. >> reporter: a gong, did he say? >> yes, a bean slide. >> reporter: why would anybody wanton i don't know skins instead of onions? >> it just sounds like raining a bit. and it's very cheap because it's free because nobody uses except we, the vegetable orchestra. >> reporter: yes, the vienna vegetable orchestra. or as its members say with their austrian accents wedge-
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tabls. on their first-ever american tour last fall, they stopped in indianapolis. vegetables go bad. so every time they perform, the musicians have to make all new instruments. the vegetable orchestra was formed in 199, a group of friends mostly artists and writers all of them interested in experimental music were invited to do something in a festival. they got together and asked themselves.... >> what is most difficult thing to play music on? what material is actually not at all good for making instruments? >> reporter: mattias remembers
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that they made soup that night. >> what about the things that goes in the soup? >> reporter: what was supposed to be a goofy, one-time happening, is still happening 13 years later. in all its ka could have kneeous glory. today the orchestra doesn't just play things that go in the soup. half the fun is inventing new instruments. the weirder, the better. this man plays the zucchini-leek vibrator but specializes in pumpkin percussion. >> the microphones are really important? >> yes. our sound engineer is very
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important because he's getting so much channels from us. >> reporter: you have to have the pumpkin channel and the egg plant channel and the zucchini channel. >> yes, yes. >> reporter: on stage, the orchestra plays actual compositions written just for vegetables. although there is improvisation, given the unpredictability of, say, a red pepper trumpet. or a cabbage. for anybody keeping track, the musicians thump, toot, flap, and even gurgle their way through maybe 70 pounds of vegetables per concert.
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the instruments are pretty funny. but the vegetable orchestra is serious about its music. >> we're showing people that it is possible to make music with things that you don't normally think of that you can make music of. everything that surrounds, all the surrounding noises, everyday noises are full of music. you find a small melody wherever you look and listen to. this is what we want to transport. this is our message, if you like. ( applause ) >> osgood: coming up, the great moon rock caper. and later poll owe with the prince. change. a fiber that dissolves completely, is clearly different. benefiber. it's the easy way to get more fiber everyday.
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that's the beauty of benefiber. ♪ [ doug ] i got to figure this out. ♪ [ dr. ling ] i want to spend more time with my patients. [ jim ] i need to build a new app for the sales team in beijing. [ mrs. davis ] i need to make science as exciting as a video game. ♪ [ jim ] i need to push out a software upgrade. [ dr. ling ] review ms. cooper's history. [ doug ] i need to cut i.t. costs. [ mrs. davis ] i need to find a way to break through. [ jim ] i need to see my family while they're still awake. [ dr. ling ] see if the blood work is ready. [ doug ] i need to think about something else when i run. ♪ [ male announcer ] every day, we set out to do more than the day before. at dell, everything we do, from solutions to services,
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>> osgood: high above the earth astronauts aboard the atlantis this morning are docking with the international space station, a crucial step in what is the space shuttle's final mission. most people who ever felt over the moon over our manned space program are experiencing somewhat bitter-sweet feelings now that the last shuttle flight is underway. and then there's the curious case of the spate travel dreamer our mo rocca now tells us about. >> ♪ i was strolling on the moon one day ♪ ♪ in the merry, merry of december ♪
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>> no, may. >> reporter: between 1969 and 1972, the apollo space missions landed 12 men on the moon. >> that looks beautiful from here, neal. >> reporter: and then there'sed that roberts. what is it like to hold a moon rock in your hand? >> it's inspirational. you know, it's motivating. it's awe-inspiring. >> reporter: but roberts' contact with the moon landed him in prison, even though he never made it into space. his journey to a jail cell began in 2001 when he was accepted into nasa's elite co-op program for aspiring astronauts. assigned to the johnson space center in houston, the 24-year-old roberts had arrived. >> i felt socially like wow i can't believe i feel like what i thought the popular kids might feel like in high
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school. >> reporter: had you ever felt that socially comfortable? >> no. definitely not. i was very, very shy growing up. very quiet. >> reporter: were you allowed to watch tv? >> we had a tv. i could watch little house on the prairie and highway to heaven. >> reporter: his upbringing hadn't been easy. disowned by his devoutly mormon family for having premarital sex with his girlfriend, he was a student at the university of utah searching for direction when he decided to shoot for the moon. when you got into the co-op program, you must have felt.... >> a little nervous at first because here's the thing. i had worked so hard to get there on the hope that i was going to get there. and then when i got accepted it's now, oh, i have to keep this up. it was stressful to figure out how am i going to outperform and learn as much as possible and take advantage of all this without the kind of money that everyone else has. >> reporter: married and
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financially struggling, roberts made a name for himself at nasa as a risk-taker and rule-breaker. pulling off stunts like sneaking in to the space shuttle simulateor. >> so i come in. we're on a shift change. one of the next group will take care of you. is is that all right? when they come in, okay, you're here for the run. i'm like sure. i'll go on the run. >> reporter: you didn't feel that you were crossing a line there? >> no. i felt like i was lucky timingwise. >> reporter: but it would take a lot more than luck for him to pull off the biggest heist in the history of nasa. >> thad roberts is the most complicated person i've ever written about. and i've written about mark zuckerberg. >> reporter: this author has penned books about the m.i.t. whiz kids who almost brought down the house in las vegas. and about facebook founder mark zuckerberg. thad roberts was an even more irresistible subject. >> i've always been writing
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about the genius kids who live in the gray area between right and wrong. here is this kid who basically does 100-yard sprint through that gray area right into the black area and i don't know why. i think that kind of blew mooe away. >> reporter: that race to the dark side started when roberts saw some moon rocks in the laboratory safe of nasa scientist everett gibson. moon rocks he would eventually steal. >> man, that is hard. just don't stub your toe. >> reporter: nasa has 842 pounds of moon rocks. apollo's total lunar haul, a small percent including the samples that were in dr. gibson's safe have been exposed to the earth's atmosphere. still they would be invaluable to any collector. >> when he gets to nasa and sees all these moon rocks in a safe that aren't being used, they're the move valuable thing on earth. nasa is just putting them in a corner he feels that the right thing to do is to take these
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out of nasa, to take these moon rocks and use them. >> reporter: with the assistance of two younger female interns, roberts on a rainy saturday night snuck into everett gibson's lab. when he couldn't crack the 600- pound safe, he simply loaded it on to a dolly and wheeled it out. inside were samples from every lunar landing and a martian meteorite. a total of just 100 grams but valued by federal officials at $21 million. why did you do it? >> i mean the simple answer is to say that i did it for love. i did it because i wanted to be loved. i wanted someone to know that i literally cared about them that much. to have the symbol there to remind them of it. >> reporter: one of his accomplices that night was 22-year-old tiffany fouler.
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roberts, still married to a woman back in utah, fell hard for fowler and wanted to, yes, give her the moon. but this is someone you had only known for three weeks. >> yeah but i don't think that kind of connection that people really desire requires much time. >> reporter: okay. but three weeks to do something this dramatic. roberts says he and fowler planned on making a life together. >> in my own head, stealing something wasn't the way i looked at it. we weren't going to take this money we were getting from it to go buy a yacht or lots of cars or a big house. we were just going to live how we were but fund the science that might change the world. >> reporter: truth is roberts had hatched the plan months before he even met fowler. in fact a potential buyer for the rocks had already been
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identifieded. axel, a belgian mineral collector. roberts offered over email to procure and sell him the moon rocks. emerman was suspicious and contacted the f.b.i.. we speak with him in ant we were via skype. >> a crime is a crime. no matter how you put it. if you're trying to defraud people you're a criminal. >> reporter: one of the f.b.i.'s investigators. >> we found that the emails were coming initially from the university of utah. then they started coming from johnson space center which led credibility to the fact that these could be actual lunar samples that are going to be presented for sale. >> reporter: on july 20, 2002, the 33rd anniversary of the first moon walk, thad and tiffany, after driving all night from houston, arrived in orlando where they expected to sell their loot.
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just an hour before the sale, alone in their hotel room, they celebrated their crime. >> i took some of the moon rocks and put them underneath the blanket in the bed. >> reporter: you had sex on the moon rocks. >> yeah. i never said anything but i'm sure she could feel it. she never said anything. it was more about the symbol of what we were doing. having sex on the moon. >> reporter: thad roberts, desperate, delusional or just plain dumb? all kinds of questions come to mind. some more basic than others. by the way, is it uncomfortable to have sex on top of moon rocks? >> yeah. it's more uncomfortable than not. but it was... it wasn't about the comfort at that point. it was about the expression. >> reporter: and no one had ever before had sex on the moon. >> i think we can safely say that. >> reporter: but the f.b.i. doesn't buy that roberts did it all for love.
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>> my impression is that thad was very bright, motivated student. one of his goals was to be an astronaut. i think he had his foot in the door with nasa, was well on his way to reaching that goal. and then this one event, you know, he threw his life away in one fail swoop. >> reporter: the buyers in orlando were f.b.i. agents. thad pled guilty and served six years. he never again saw the woman who says he stole the moon rocks for. he says he doesn't know how he ever could have pulled the heist off. i'm still trying to understand why you would do something so reckless. >> me too. when you figure it out, let me know. (laughing) me too. because there's just no reason to do it. you know, no reason to go through with it. sure parts of it were exciting. parts of it were a good story. but, yeah, i mean your life, the chance of being an astronaut.
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>> reporter: but thad rockets is not looking back. i know your imagination may be part of what got you into trouble in the first place. but in your wildest dreams, what do you see for yourself in the future? wildest dreams, anything is possible. i think i'm going to still make a run for space. private industry. that might be the big thing of our lifetime. if it is, i'm going to try to find a way to go. >> reporter: go into space. >> yeah. maybe i can pick up a moon rock legally this time. >> reporter: one that you can keep. >> one that i can keep, yep. put it on my mantle and i don't have to keep it secret. >> osgood: ahead, california dreaming.
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>> osgood: and now a look at the casey anthony trial by the numbers. the jury of seven women and
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five men heard days of testimony and considered some 400 pieces of evidence in the trial. and the 25-year-old woman who was accused of killing her two-year-old caylee back in 2008. after hearing another two days of closing arguments from the prosecution and defense, the jury took just under 11 hours to find her not guilty of murder while convicting her on four counts of lying to authorities. tuesday's verdict provided a big boost to the cable news viewership. the hln network most of all which had its biggest audience ever well over four million viewers during the hour the verdict was announced. and that night hln host nancy grace scored her biggest audience ever. 2 million 888,000 viewers. on thursday casey anthony was sentenced to one year in prison and a $1,000 fine for each of her four convictions. after credits for time served and good behavior, her total sentence wasy effectively
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reduceded to time served. she's due to be released next sunday july 17, the 1,007 day of imprisonment. what makes the sleep number store different? you walk into a conventional mattress store, it's really not about you. they say, "well, if you want a firm bed you can lay on one of those, if you want a soft bed you can lay on one of those." we provide the exact individualization that your body needs. this is your body there. you can see a little more pressure in the shoulders and in the hips. then they start telling us, "well, yeah, i feel sore right there in the morning."
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from the embattled press baron rupert murdoch to the polo playing prince william and his bride stories with the british connection have been very much in the news this past week. ben tracy will have more on the royal tour of california. but first elizabeth palmer in london with the latest on the end of the world, at least for the world's newspaper, that is. >> reporter: the last edition of the news of the world was a proud farewell that recalled 168 years of sunday scoops. rupert murdoch bought the paper in 1969 and used its profits to build his vast media empire that now includes fox news, the wall street
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journal, and the new york post. but this week this scrappy tabloid was engulfed by scandal. though it remained one of the best-selling newspapers in the english speaking world its name is disgraced and the fallout has damaged politicians, the police and the formidable mr. murdoch. the scandal exploded with a teenager murdered in 2002. on monday in london, a private investigator working for the news of the world was accused of hacking into her cell phone and deleting messages giving her family false hope that millie was alive. and then britain learned the news of the world may have preyed on military families too. >> he was held by a sniper rifle. >> reporter: tony's son james was killed in action in afghanistan. he now believes james's hot mail was hacked by news of the world.
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prime minister david cameron kicked off the damage control. >> murder victims, terrorist victims, families who have lost loved ones, sometime defending our country, that these people could have had their phones hacked into in order to generate stories for a newspaper is simply disgusting. >> reporter: the prime minister was feeling vulnerable. he'd hired a former news of the world editor as his communications advisor. by the end of the week, andy colson had been arrested along with two other men. and the police themselves were facing investigation for taking pay-offs. but the real fury focused on rupert murdoch and the power he wields through his stable of influential british papers. teenager millie's family lawyer is mark lewis. >> what we have in this country was a form of murder- ocrayy that people were scared
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of what the newspaper koz do to them and how the newspapers could influence elections. >> reporter: suddenly politicians who had felt bullied by murdoch smelled blood. simon hogert is a political columnist for the guardian. >> you have him under attack from all sides in parliament. i've never heard members of parliament being as vicious and ferocious, filled with hatred against one man. >> reporter: that man, rupert murdoch, had planned to expand into u.k. television by taking over a multi-billion dollar satellite operation. but for the deal to go through, regulators will have to judge the new owner, quote, fit and proper. at the moment there's doubt he'd pass the test. the news of the world employees put on brave faces as they left their building for the last time last night. their future is uncertain and so is rupert murdoch's.
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>> this is been tracy in los angeles where they rolled out the red carpet last night for the duke and duchess of cambridge. it was clear that this royal pair trumped even a full house of celebrities. >> that's exciting. i never met a prince or a princess before. >> i hope i get to meet them. that would be a bonus. >> they're the biggest stars in the world. i mean, you tell me who got married in the history of hollywood who had two billion people watching around the world. >> reporter: prince william and his new wife catherine she doesn't like kate dazzled the crowd. >> his royal highness, the duke of cambridge. >> reporter: the event honored the british film and tv academy. prince william is its president. >> when american and british creative talent get together, magic happens. let's continuing the winning formula. >> reporter: this is catherine's first time in the u.s. but she seemed rightate at home hobnobbing with the rich and famous. >> i don't think william and catherine will be making a bee
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line for any celebrities. i think it was the opposite. >> reporter: victoria mather finds l.a. to be an odd destination for their first visits to the states. >> this is either the stupidest choice in the world or naive. if you could possibly do anything with more counterpoint than being royal and respectful, you go to hollywood. >> reporter: earlier saturday in santa barbara, more crowds. >> it's very exciting. once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. >> reporter: and more celebrities. >> very good to have everybody here. >> reporter: the prince played the sport of kings. saddling up for a polo match. in the stands his princess looked on. and then rewarded him for his victory. of course this isn't just for show. it's for charity. the folks in the stands paid up to $4,000 to watch. those who wanted to play with the prince, well, they had to pony up $50,000. before coming to america, the duke and duchess spent a week in canada. >> may heart stopped a beat.
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i was so excited. >> reporter: they battle each other in a boat race. >> (speaking french). >> reporter: and william publicly practiced his french as well as his humility. >> it will improve as we go on. >> reporter: the london telegraph's reporter. >> canada is much more about links with the monarchy and california is much more about raising the profile of british industry, charities. >> reporter: this entire north american tour has been carefully choreographed, designed to put a young and pretty new face on the royal family in britain. later today the duke and duchess visited children's program on l.a.'s skid row and a job fair for veterans. and then they head home having accomplished their mission. the royal couple's communications director. >> we hope that it will serve the interest of britain abroad. it will represent britain flying the flag overseas. >> reporter: after all it's a story that's hard to resist. >> a beautiful princess, a handsome prince. what is there not to love?
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>> osgood: coming up, a tale of two artists. when you realize that depression has left you nowhere to go. when you've lost interest in everything. when you've had one too many days feeling sad or anxious... aches and pains, fatigue. when it becomes hard to ignore that you need help. that's the day you do something. depression hurts. cymbalta can help with many symptoms of depression. tell your doctor right away if your depression worsens, you have unusual changes in behavior or thoughts of suicide. antidepressants can increase these in children, teens, and young adults. cymbalta is not approved for children under 18. people taking maois or thioridazine or with uncontrolled glaucoma should not take cymbalta.
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taking it with nsaid pain relievers, aspirin, or blood thinners may increase bleeding risk. severe liver problems, some fatal, were reported. signs include abdominal pain and yellowing of the skin or eyes. talk with your doctor about your medicines, including those for migraine, or if you have high fever, confusion and stiff muscles, to address a possible life-threatening condition. tell your doctor about alcohol use, liver disease, and before you reduce or stop taking cymbalta. dizziness or fainting may occur upon standing. side effects include nausea, dry mouth, and constipation. is today your day? talk to your doctor... and go to for a free 30-capsule trial offer. depression hurts. cymbalta can help. >> osgood: it happened this week, the loss of two masters of two very different arts. cy twombley died tuesday in rome at the age of 83. born in virginia, he was an artist whose work fell into no
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easily defined school or category. twombley moved from america to italy in 1957 and hardly ever spoke or appeared in public preferring to let his often oversized paintings do the talking for him. just last year, the louvre in paris unveiled a huge ceiling twombley painteded over a gallery of bronzes. in one of his rare interviews twombley told the "new york times" he didn't spend time worrying about' his reputation. if it happens, it happens he said but don't bother me with it. i couldn't careless. restauranteur george lang's life journey was in the opposite direction from europe to america. born in hungary to a jewish family, lang escaped from a nazi labor camp near the end of world war ii and made his way to the united states. though he studied to become a great violinist their finally came a day when a stark reality dawned. >> i decided finally that, yes, there is a... i will never be
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one. i want to be in a field where i could be a haifitz and i put the violin down. i'm abbreviating considerably. >> reporter: for 34 years george lang's kitchen was a new york's named cafe which he took over in 1975 after a long climb through the ranks of top rated restaurants. lang's innovative menus made the cafe a beloved institution. by 1980, he had won a place as the food correspondent for a young television broadcast called sunday morning. >> the restaurant is a miami beach landmark. >> reporter: lang eventually moved on from sunday morning and the economic slump forceded him to close the calf eye in 2009. still we remember all the good times and the reports that never failed to open our eyes or whet our appetites. george lang was 86 years old.
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♪ on a hill far away >> osgood: next, home again with tom jones. and later, don't move a muscle. i feel like i have to wind myself up to deal with the sadness, the loss of interest, the lack of energy. [ male announcer ] ask your doctor about pristiq®, a prescription medicine proven to treat depression. pristiq is thought to work by affecting the levels of two chemicals in the brain, serotonin and norepinephrine. tell your doctor right away if your depression worsens or you have unusual changes in mood, behavior, or thoughts of suicide. antidepressants can increase suicidal thoughts and behaviors in children, teens and young adults. pristiq is not approved for children under 18. do not take pristiq with maois. taking pristiq with nsaid pain relievers, aspirin, or blood thinners may increase bleeding risk. tell your doctor about all your medications, including those for migraine, to avoid a potentially life-threatening condition. pristiq may cause or worsen high blood pressure,
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♪ lasts for hours. ♪ new express hydration with hydraiq. part of the essentials range. nivea. a hundred years of skincare for life. ♪ it's not unusual to be loved by anyone. >> it's sunday morning on cbs and here again is charles osgood. >> osgood: there was nothing unusual about young tom jones loving to sing and having a way with his song. he is welch after all. all these years later no one finds it the least bit unusual that an older mr. jones is still at it and will break into song at the drop of a question. mark phillips drops the questions in our sunday profile. >> reporter: their view of the town. you don't have to spend too much time with tom jones around the green, green grass of his hometown in wales.
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>> in all its glory, right. >> reporter: before two predictable things happen. the first is you ask him the dumb but irresistible question. not to coin a phrase but does the old town look just the same. >> it looks the same from up here. ♪ on a hill far away ♪ stood an old rugged cross >> reporter: the other predictable event is that before long in this case reminiscing in the chapel where he went to sunday school, he'll break into song. >> ♪ where the dearest and best for a world of lost sinners was slain ♪ >> reporter: tom jones, sir tom jones, is now 71. he's feeling a little nostalgic. >> i was always singing when i was a child. i always wanted to become a singer. but of course when you're a child, it's a dream. >> reporter: he's come a long way from his hometown, the town in the welsh coal mining valleys where he was born
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♪ you may run on for a long time, run on ♪ > but in a lot of ways, including musically, he's coming home. ♪ sooner or later got to cut you down ♪ >> reporter: his latest album has shocked his fans and surprised the critics. ♪ i'm going down to the church house ♪ > the most recent tom jones cd is almost a remud iation of the glitzy pop career he's enjoyed for five decades. ♪ free sneet deacon jones, please pray for me ♪ >> reporter: it's a return to the simple ways and musical values that he grew up with. >> my father was a coal miner and both his brothers were coal miners. >> reporter: and tom too seemed destined for a working life down in the mines. it was not only good, steady work.
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it was just about the only work. >> at that time the war was on. so coal was in demand. my father was always looking to work. >> reporter: this was your childhood neighborhood. >> yeah, yeah. >> reporter: tom was born in this house in 1940. as tommy woodward. what does it feel like to be back here? >> wow. it's different. this used to be red brick. at that time red brick pillars. >> reporter: he would have followed the predicted path if not for an accident. >> i would have been a coal miner i think if i hadn't had two big losses when i was 12. >> reporter: for two years he was confined to a room in a house around the corner where his family had moved. >> this is 44 laura street. >> reporter: recovering from tb. it turned into the best bad thing that ever happened to him. what did the doctors tell you? >> well, whatever you do you can't go down the coal mine because of my lungs ♪ it's not unusual to be loved
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by anyone ♪ >> reporter: tom's lungs and what they allowed him to do with his songs became a ticket to a whole other life. ♪ but when i see you hanging about with anyone ♪ ♪ it's not unusual to see me cry ♪ ♪ i want to die >> reporter: after trying to get a break playing the pubs in working men's clubs of wales, he cut a demo tape of a song that was supposed to be for another singer. ♪ it's such a crime > but when the record company executives heard it, they knew it had to be his. ♪ it's not usual to... it happens every day ♪ ♪ no matter what you say > it became an international hit. ♪ it happens all the time >> reporter: not just a star but a style was born. ♪ what's new, pussy cat?
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>> reporter: the tom jones style. other musical tastes could come and go but tom jones belting it out would always be there. >> ladies and gentlemen, this is tom jones. >> reporter: his tv show "this is tom jones" was a living room favorite in the late '60s and early '70s on both sides of the atlantic. ♪ great balls of fire >> you know what you are? ♪ you're a sex bomb > he was more than just a singer, of course. he was a sex symbol. ♪ sex bomb > famously the target on stage of women throwing their underpants at him. now older and finally grayer, he regrets nothing. >> i've always felt myself as being a serious singer even if >> reporter: you were doing sex bomb. >> yes. you know, yes, or what's new
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pussy-cat but i always sang it in the best way that i know how. i put myself into it. then you could be shooting yourself in the foot because you get the hit with the song. if you don't want to be known as a sex symbol then don't record sex bomb. you know, i wasn't really aware of it. but it has had an effect. >> reporter: it's not like you ran away and hid from it. >> i've done what i've done. i've recorded what i've recorded. there are no regrets in that area because i've done it. i have only myself to blame. ♪ rain... > praise and blame is the title of the latest cd, and when tom performs numbers from it, his audience, old and new, respond. if not quite in the way they used to. ♪ when the rain starts dropping ♪ ♪ not on the windows, not on the doors ♪
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♪ come on, brother noah, can't you take no more. >> reporter: he's dial back a bit but then he's had to. >> it would be silly to try and be 35 or 40 or maybe even 50. you know what i mean? you can't. there's no way. if you do you're going to look silly. people are going to take you less seriously. than when you're a young person. it has to do with age. there's no getting away from it. maybe i'm trying to.... >> reporter: you're not going soft on us. >> no, no, no, no, no, no, no, not soft. there's nothing really soft on this album. these songs are strong songs ♪ what good am i, if i'm like all the rest? ♪ >> reporter: steps are steeper now. >> good god, they are steeper. i can't remember them being that steep. >> reporter: so much has changeed from tom jones from the front room in the small rented house where he was born. >> this is the room i was born
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in. this is it. >> reporter: and here's a way to measure it. can i ask a question. was there an indoor toil snet. >> no, just out there. >> reporter: a lot different from a life of world tours and las vegas lounges and a big house in l.a. do you have any idea how many bathrooms you have in your house now. >> the house in l.a. is about, let me see, seven. ♪ for a world of lost sipers was slain ♪ i guess that's a measure of something. ♪ i will cling to the old rugged cross ♪ >> reporter: for tom jones it's the way to measure the passage of time. are you afraid to stop? some people, you know, you hear people say if i stopped working, i'd die. >> yeah, i mean, i dread the day... time is my enemy. time will catch up with me. i dread that.
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i dread to think about life without singing. it's a wonderful feeling to get on stage and pour all this stuff out. and for people to go.... ( applause ) >> osgood: coming up, up close. and personal. ♪
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>> osgood: which words and deeds, former first lady betty ford left her mark on a generation of american women. to our rita braver she was someone very special. >> reporter: there was just something about betty, something very different from the other first ladies i'd been fascinated by growing up. with maimy eisenhower it was all about the bangs. jackie kennedy was elegant and aristocrat i can. lady bird johnson was always a lady. pat nixon seemed scripted and formal. but betty ford was funny and down to earth. she wasn't afraid to talk about her relationship with her husband, joking she and the president slept together as often as possible. frankly the fords always seemed like the nice neighbors down the street who genuinely adored each other and their four grown kids who she admitted might have tried
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marijuana. as a young journalist, just starting to cover washington and beginning to understand that public figures rarely say what they really think, i was surprised by betty ford. she was a feminist when that still put off some people. she said she favored abortion rights. and she openly announced that she had breast cancer in the days when people didn't say the c-word outloud. the one thing i think she did not want to admit while in the white house was her problem with alcohol and prescription drugs. once i was watching a videotape of a white house event where she appeared to be slurring her words. her staff insisted nothing was wrong. in later years, i was impressed that she did go public about her addiction. again long before that became a widely accepted thing to do. mostly, i remember her grace.
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first when her husband unexpectedly became vice president and then president. she realized she would move into the white house, she said, they can kick me out but they can't make me somebody i'm not. she turned out to be both a fine first lady and a great dame. >> osgood: ahead, bill geist. looking sharp.
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>> osgood: there's a lot to be said for a man who gets right to the point. our bill geist is about to say it. >> reporter: it was a sunny afternoon, and there was old dave out in his driveway again throwing knives at people.
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a neighbor lynn droppeded by for a spin. >> i live about two blocks away. i walk by every morning walking my dog. >> it's different. >> reporter: greg lives next door. >> it makes for an interesting neighbor. >> reporter: oh, he's an interesting neighbor all right. dave is a minister with indoor- outdoor wedding chapels in his long island home. how many weddings have you performed here? >> in the thousands. sometimes i put the bride on the wheel of death. >> reporter: yes, he said the wheel of death. >> really it adds a highlight to their wedding album. well, bill, this is houdini central. >> reporter: oh, my god. mild mannered rev. david adamovich is also the great throw-dini, master of the impalement arts. >> it's my stage name as a knife thrower. >> reporter: his attic is a cutler emu seem complete with a practice range.
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>> i've studied and analyzed and research the flight of a knife. i've done it with high speed videos, 60-frame per second stuff. i've done it with radar. >> reporter: he'd been intensely training to scale the mount everest of knife throwing. >> wow. what am i hitting. >> reporter: the veiled wheel of death in which the spinning wheel and the woman on board are completely obscured from the knife thrower. >> oops. one collision. i don't think i hit the girl. >> reporter: ready or not it was time to attempt the feat in a show at a long island university. throw-dini quickly changed back stage. he had stopped along the way to perform a marriage. >> man of cloth by day and man of steel by night. >> please put your hands together for the very, very talented and our headliner for the evening throw-dini.
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>> reporter: throw-dini warmed up. his knives supplying at his target girl melissa ann. ever faster, larger and closer. >> now we really raise the steaks. >> reporter: it had reachd the hour of the veiled wheel of death. >> you guys are witnessing history in the making. >> reporter: the audience grew silent. some turned away. throw-dini made history. and the target girl emerged
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without a scratch. >> we did it. we did it. let's hear it for melissa. >> reporter: have you had any serious injuries in your show? >> i knew you were going to ask that. there have been several incidents over nine years of performing on stage. and they've never involved impaling or sticking the girl. they have involved scrapes. >> reporter: why would anyone want to be a target girl? melissa ann. >> i've never been one to lead a very dull life. that's for sure. i think i'm going to look back on this when i'm older and go like yeah that was pretty cool when i was doing that. >> reporter: melissa ann is cool, calm, collected, and, yes, to the rest of us perhaps
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a little crazy. you have to be crazy to let someone throw knives at you. >> whatever you do don't run away. >> reporter: what do i do with my arms? i'd like a last meal and a cigarette. >> you are rocking back and forth. were you afraid of them. >> reporter: i was? was i rocking shall. >> yes you were. >> reporter: i think it's natural. that's how the species got this far. throw-dini said i wasn't ready to be a target girl. there's on no flinching in the impalement arts.
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>> osgood: correspondent bill geist as always right on target. now to bob schieffer in washington for a look at what's ahead on face the nation. good morning, bob. who is your target this morning? >> schieffer: we're going to have the secretary of the treasury tim geithner but we're putting him through the metal detector before he sits down here. >> osgood: thank you, bob. we will be watching. next week here on sunday morning, animal attraction. ger . crispy bacon, rich cheddar cheese and creamy ranch dressing. not even the end of the world will make you put it down. get it before it's gone. and see "transformers: dark of the moon" now in theaters. crust and my feet and i will bring floor care justice down upon it. oh. please sign that card for carl. ♪call 1-800-steemer. and, just like toddlers, puppies need food made for them.
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that's why there's purina puppy chow... with all the essential nutrients your growing puppy needs. purina puppy chow. >> sunday morning's moment of nature is sponsored by... >> osgood: we leave you this sunday morning in eastern ohio near the pymatuning reservoir where a family of foxes and a wood chuck are enjoying their summer. yx
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>> osgood: i'm charles osgood. please join us again next sunday morning. until then, i'll see you on the radio. i have copd. if you have it, you know how hard it can be to breathe and what that feels like. copd includes chronic bronchitis and emphysema. spiriva helps control my copd symptoms... by keeping my airways open a full 24 hours. plus, it reduces copd flare-ups. spiriva is the only once-daily inhaled copd maintenance treatment that does both. and it's steroid-free.
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